LGT among the best asset managers for charitable foundations
LGT Bank ranks among the top three asset management firms for charitable foundations. In terms of its investment expertise, the bank actually claimed top spot.
The Fuchs Richter Prüfinstanz has ranked LGT Bank among the top three asset management firms for charitable foundations. In terms of its investment expertise, the bank actually claimed top spot out of 30 financial institutions operating in German-speaking countries.
In this year’s Fuchs Richter Prüfinstanz test, LGT Bank in Liechtenstein again performed very well in terms of its expertise in providing investment advice to charitable foundations. After finishing in fifth place last year, the jury ranked LGT Bank in third place this year out of a total of 30 financial institutions from Liechtenstein, Germany, Austria, Luxembourg and Switzerland, further details of which can be found in a press release issued by the bank under the ownership of the Princely Family of Liechtenstein. The asset management specialists were given the task of developing a specific investment concept on behalf of the Wilhelm Weidemann Youth Foundation.
In the investment expertise category, LGT Bank actually claimed top spot. According to comments from the auditors published in the press release, the investment process at LGT is “well structured and the sustainability component is exceptional”. Moreover, in terms of the quantitative investment analysis, “LGT achieves the highest value within the comparison group and, as such, sets the benchmark compared with its competitors in this assessment category”, the auditors add further.
The Wilhelm Weidemann Youth Foundation supports disadvantaged children in Germany. “The work of charitable foundations is extremely important for our society”, comments Roland Matt, CEO of LGT Bank, adding that: “Our team managed to meet the complex requirements of the Wilhelm Weidemann Youth Foundation and to win over the jury with the investment proposal we presented.”