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Financial Centre Services
Asset management
Liechtenstein’s asset managers are experts in the areas of asset preservation, asset management, and wealth management. Thanks to a broad network of banks, fund companies, and trustees, as well as close client relationships, they are excellent partners for managing their clients’ assets in a customised manner.
Asset management in Liechtenstein
- 91 asset management companies
- 690 employees
- Assets under management CHF 56.9 billion
- Direct market access to the EU and Switzerland
- Regulated and supervised by the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority
- No ties to a specific custodian bank and its products
Competencies and services
- Asset management/portfolio management
- Investment advice
- Execution of orders on behalf of the client
- Securities and financial analysis
Association of Independent Asset Managers in Liechtenstein (VuVL)
The Association of Independent Wealth Managers (VuVL) is the interest group for licensed, domestic wealth management companies. It represents the interests of the profession at national and international levels.