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Financial Centre Services

Asset management

Liechtenstein’s asset managers are experts in the areas of asset preservation, asset management, and wealth management. Thanks to a broad network of banks, fund companies, and trustees, as well as close client relationships, they are excellent partners for managing their clients’ assets in a customised manner.

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No ties to a custodian bank or products

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Tradition in asset management

Experts in cross-generational investment

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Access to two markets

Freedom to provide services in Switzerland and the EU

Asset management in Liechtenstein

  • 91 asset management companies
  • 690 employees
  • Assets under management CHF 56.9 billion
  • Direct market access to the EU and Switzerland
  • Regulated and supervised by the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority
  • No ties to a specific custodian bank and its products

Competencies and services

  • Asset management/portfolio management
  • Investment advice
  • Execution of orders on behalf of the client
  • Securities and financial analysis