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Liechtenstein is world’s top philanthropy environment

Liechtenstein offers according to the Global Philanthropy Environment Index 2022 the best environment for philanthropic engagement.


This is a finding from the Global Philanthropy Environment Index 2022 compiled by the University of Indiana.

Worldwide, the Principality of Liechtenstein is the top location for charitable foundations and philanthropic engagement. This was determined by researchers of the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at the University of Indiana together with 100 country-level experts. They calculated a Global Philanthropy Environment Index for 91 countries.

According to the report, the average overall score was 3.63. Liechtenstein had the highest average overall score of 4.91, ahead of Norway and Switzerland (both 4.83), Germany (4.78) and the USA (4.76).

Best environment for philanthropic engagement

According to its President, Dr Thomas Zwiefelhofer, the Association of Liechtenstein Charitable Foundations and Trusts (VLGST) “will continue working with its members in future to further strengthen Liechtenstein’s philanthropic sector and share more about its valuable work”.

The data on Liechtenstein is provided by the University of Liechtenstein. “The 91 countries and economies studied represent 85 percent of world population and 95 percent of global gross domestic product”, explained Marc Gottschald from the Center of Philanthropy at the University of Liechtenstein. “It is therefore the most comprehensive and significant survey of its kind worldwide.” The study proves “what we had already suspected: Liechtenstein offers the best environment in the world for philanthropic engagement”.