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Banking centre raising funds for COVAX project

In cooperation with UNICEF Switzerland/Liechtenstein, the Liechtenstein banks are calling on all employees to join in a joint fundraising campaign.


The Liechtenstein Bankers Association is calling for the country’s banking center to support the COVAX project. The donation campaign will run until 21 January 2022, enabling UNICEF to provide vaccinations to people in low-income countries. People outside the banking center can also participate in the fundraising campaign.

The new omicron variant of the coronavirus once again reminds us that the virus can only be fought globally, as the Liechtenstein Bankers Association highlighted in a press release. It is calling on all its members to support World Health Organization’s COVAX project. This project is collecting vaccine doses in order to make them available to low-income countries. UNICEF has been mandated to procure and distribute the vaccines.

While the vaccination rate in Europe is around 60 percent, only 1.3 percent of people in low-income countries are reportedly vaccinated. The goal of UNICEF is to achieve a 70 percent vaccination coverage rate by summer 2022.  For this, the LBA says, UNICEF needs “financial support”. The procurement and delivery of a double vaccination costs on average just 5 Swiss francs.

Although the call for donations is primarily addressed to the banking center, it is also possible for people outside the banking center to participate in the fundraising campaign. The LBA has set up three donation accounts receiving donations until 21 January 2022.

LBA donation account with Liechtensteinische Landesbank:
IBAN-Nr.: LI34 0880 0908 6230 4200 3

LBA donation account with LGT Bank Ltd.:
IBAN-Nr.: LI17 0881 0000 0460 1803 2

LBA donation account with VP Bank Ltd.:
IBAN-Nr.: LI67 0880 5504 2103 1000 1

The total amount donated will be transferred to UNICEF at the end of January.