Financial Centre

Thinking in generations

All information about the
Liechtenstein Financial Centre

Liechtenstein and Croatia sign double taxation agreement


finance liechtenstein dr daniel risch innovation landscape

Dr. Daniel Risch
Prime Minister of the Principality of Liechtenstein


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finance li mario gassner landscape

Mario Gassner
CEO of the Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority

Stability and Security

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liechtenstein finance sd prinz michael knformitaet landscape

H.S.H. Prince Michael of Liechtenstein
Member of the Board of Directors Liechtenstein Finance


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liechtenstein finance simon triebelhorn nachhaltigkeit landscape

Simon Tribelhorn
Chairman of the Board of Directors Liechtenstein Finance


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Why Liechtenstein

The Liechtenstein financial centre thinks in generations. Focusing on the long term, on quality and stability is just as important as being in touch with the latest trends.

  • Extensive expertise and long-standing experience of the financial service providers
  • Access to specialists and experts from Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Liechtenstein
  • Flexibility and short decisionmaking channels
  • Europe-compliant niche products in the financial sector
  • Governmental support for innovation
  • Close cooperation between authorities, regulators and financial centre players
  • Governmental Office for Financial Market Innovation and Digitalisation

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  • Stable social, legal and economic system
  • Customs and currency union with Switzerland since 1924
  • Member of the European Economic Area (EEA) since 1995
  • Barrier-free access to the European market (freedom of movement of goods, people, services and capital)
  • Political continuity and stability
  • Liberal economic policies
  • Liberal company law
  • Sound financial policies/no government debt
  • Very well-funded public sector
  • Moderate corporate taxation
  • AAA country rating awarded by Moody’s and S&P Global Ratings
  • Broadly diversified economy with strong industrial sector

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  • Financial centre regulation in Liechtenstein based on EU guidelines
  • Internationally integrated and recognised financial market supervisory authority
  • Recognition and implementation of international and European tax cooperation standards
  • Early AEOI adopter (automatic exchange of information)
  • Global Forum rating “largely compliant”
  • Implementation of OECD/BEPS (corporate taxation guidelines)
  • Tax information exchange agreements with 34 states and double taxation agreements with 23 states

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  • Acting in a responsible, sustainable manner is a central component of Liechtenstein’s culture
  • “Energy country”: all of Liechtenstein’s municipalities have been awarded the “Energy City” label. Liechtenstein is the world’s first “energy country”.
  • “Solar world champion”: Liechtenstein has the highest per capita photovoltaic capacity
  • “Water footprint”: Liechtenstein is the first country to offer as many people in developing countries safe access to clean drinking water as it has inhabitants
  • Outstanding international reputation as a philanthropy centre at the heart of Europe
  • Advanced foundation governance with high protection of the private sphere
  • Named the No. 1 philanthropy location in 2022 by the Global Philanthropy Environment Index

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UNDP web

Liechtenstein supports UNDP

The Government of the Principality of Liechtenstein has contributed 50,000 Swiss francs to the United Nations Development Programme.
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Special topic:
Stability and security

Stability and security – the pillars of prosperity and growth

The Principality of Liechtenstein, the Alpine monarchy in the heart of Europe, has managed to develop into a modern, broadly diversified business location during its 300-year history.

The customs treaty with Switzerland and membership in the EEA, political continuity without national debt, legal security as well as a liberal economic policy guarantee the most stable framework conditions for economic and financial centre actors.
This is also reflected in the country rating of the internationally renowned rating agency S & P Global Ratings, which awarded Liechtenstein the top rating “Triple-A with stable outlook”.

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Financial Centre Services

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The Liechtenstein banking centre stands for quality, stability and sustainability. Liechtenstein’s banks are amongst the best capitalised financial institutions in the world and focus on private banking and wealth management.

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Fiduciary companies

The Liechtenstein fiduciary sector has decades of experience in providing asset management services of the highest standard. With integrity and trust, fiduciaries secure assets for generations.

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Asset management companies

By providing advice and support in a spirit of partnership, asset managers ensure that their clients’ assets are invested in accordance with their specific needs and requirements. In doing so, they draw upon an extensive network of banks, investment fund companies and fiduciaries in Liechtenstein.

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Investment fund companies

Liechtenstein’s aspiring investment fund centre offers a wide range of possibilities when it comes to setting up funds. On an international comparison it stands out positively with its swift licensing procedures and moderate start-up, administrative and supervisory costs.

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Insurance companies

Liechtenstein is a diversified insurance centre. Insurers use the advantages of the location in order to offer a wide range of competitive and European-compliant products.

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Charitable foundations and trusts

Within Europe, Liechtenstein foundation law is considered “state of the art”. In recent years, Liechtenstein has developed into a philanthropy centre at the heart of Europe.

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In a complex and dynamic environment, auditing plays an important safeguarding role for the economy as a whole. This creates trust and confidence amongst capital lenders, clients, suppliers, employees and the public in general.

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TT Service Providers

Liechtenstein was the first country in the world to enact a law on token and TT service providers (TVTG) with the aim of regulating the digital and TT-based economy, the so-called token economy. The law creates a legally secure framework for the further development of trust-replacing technologies and their use in the financial and real economy.

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Insurance brokers

It may pose a challenge to both private and corporate clients to find the optimum insurance solution on their own. Independent insurance brokers review and compare the benefits of various insurance providers on the market, doing so with the objective of providing the client with the best possible package of service.

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CFA Society Liechtenstein

As one of over 160 CFA Societies, the CFA Society Liechtenstein is part of a global network under the umbrella of the CFA Institute. The members are familiar with all functions of the financial industry. With this unique network across all financial market players, the CFA Society promotes the highest ethical standards in the financial centre.

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Liechtenstein lawyers are reliable partners for their clients in all national and international legal matters.

Global Financial
Centers Index

Your vote for the Liechtenstein financial centre – take part in the survey on the evaluation of international financial centres.

The Global Financial Centres Index (GFCI) is a ranking of the competitiveness of the world’s major financial centres The Global Financial Centres Index is published bi-annually by Z/Yen Group, the City of London’s most respected private think tank. Using defined measurement criteria and an international online survey, profiles, ratings and rankings are compiled for over 100 financial centres.

Since its launch in 2007, the index has established itself as a highly regarded indicator of the attractiveness of financial centres.

Do you know the Liechtenstein financial centre? Then share your experience of Liechtenstein in the GFCI online survey: GFCI Questionnaire (