Asset management maintains growth course
As at the end of June 2020, 106 companies were active in the area of asset management in Liechtenstein.
When compared with 2019, the total number is therefore unchanged. However, the sector has secured new money inflow of around 1.1 billion Swiss francs.
According to a publication from the Financial Market Authority Liechtenstein (FMA), 106 asset management companies were active in Liechtenstein as at the reporting date of 30 June 2020. Since the start of the year, three new companies were approved, but three surrendered their authorization over the same period.
In the half year of the report, the asset management companies secured net new money inflow totaling more than 1.10 billion francs. The companies, primarily cross-border operations, also gained 507 new clients.
In 2019, the 106 asset management companies had supported over 9,500 clients, as FMA outlined in its publication. As at the reporting date of the end of June 2020, client assets under management amounted to almost 50 billion francs. Though not mentioned by name, the biggest asset management group accounted for a share of about 15 percent of all clients and about 16 percent of the total assets under management.
In a second publication, the FMA reported on the development of Liechtenstein’s funds in the first half of 2020. At 512, the number of funds has “remained almost constant” in the reporting period, the FMA reports. This publication states that the total of assets managed within funds is 55.06 billion francs.